Manea VET Courses

CourseCertificate level & codeYear Level
Graphic Design CIII - CUA30720Year 11
Aquatics CIII - SIS30115Year 11
Basic Health CareCIII - HLT31215Year 11
Animal Care ServicesCIII - ACM30117Year 11
FitnessCIII - SIS30315Year 11 or 12
Health Services AssistanceCIII - HLT3315Year 11
Laboratory Skills CIII - MSL30122Year 11
Science BiologyCIV - 22442VICForensic Stream. Year 12
Science BiologyCIV - 22442VICPsychology Stream. Year 12
Science (Biology)CIV - 22442VICExercise Science Stream. Year 12
Science (Biology)CIV - 22442VICAnimal and Marine Stream. Year 12
Preparation for Health & Nursing EducationCIV - 52831WAYear 12


Creative Industries – Cert II – 3D Animation Foundation
Information, Digital Media and Technology – Cert III (Game Design Foundations)
Entrepreneurship + Small Business – Cert III

*Online courses are specifically aimed at students who display excellent time management skills, self-discipline and have achieved the required entrance levels. Students need to demonstrate traits to achieve success in self-paced/unsupervised learning environment. Online courses have different levels of student support and mentoring from RTO and/or MSC.
College approval is required to undertake online courses 

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