Portfolio Samples
The United Nations Innovation United Digital Portfolio outlines a student’s journey in planning and implementing their chosen projects along with demonstrating their skill development. Examples of digital portfolios are:
Tackling Food Security
Focusing on SDG No.11 Sustainable Cities and Communities by tackling food security within the Bunbury region through connecting community gardens to ‘grow for a purpose’ in providing Milligan and Food Bank with fresh vegetable produce.
Mallokup Restoration and Rehabilitation
Focusing on SDG No.11 Sustainable Cities and Communities by working with the Mutton family on their property in Capel to restore a wetland to bring back the biodiversity within the region.
Storm Chasers
focusing on SDG No.14 Life Below Water by collaborating with the Dolphin Discovery Centre to protect our marine environment.
Clean Birth Kits
Focusing on SDG No. 10 Reduced Inequalities by working with Birthing Kit Foundation Australia to provide clean birthing kits to women in remote regions of the world.