Custom Courses
Health & Medical Specialist Program
Manea’s HMSP gives secondary students seeking careers in medicine, dentistry, nursing and other allied health professions a head start in attaining their goals.
Emergency Services Cadets
Manea’s Emergency Service Cadets love volunteering within the community and participating in practical activities to develop their skills.
United Nations Innovation Unit
The MSC United Nations Innovation Unit is the WACE endorsed program United Nations Association of Australia WA Division.
Graphic Design
This program, offering a Certificate III qualification, is carefully crafted to provide authentic learning experiences tailored for those aspiring to entry-level positions in visual communication.
Sport, Aquatics and Recreation
This course will prepare students for employment in the Sport, Aquatics and Recreation industry. Over the course of the year students will develop the skills and confidence necessary to become an effective teacher.
The South West Innovation Academy
The Innovation Academy, through Manea Senior College and the Education Department of WA, is a collaboration with the Dolphin Discovery Centre, South-West Schools, Industries and Community Organisations. It is open to Year 10 to Year 12 students from across the South-West Education Region who are keen to work with others in solving real-world issues.
Professional Learning Opportunities
The college allocates 2 periods per week (on a Monday) to provide students with the opportunity to explore a range of informative and exciting opportunities beyond the traditional curriculum. This time provides the chance for students to develop broader interests, enhance their skill development and to connect with others. The college develops a suite of options that cater for students interests each year.
UniPrep Schools
Manea Senior College has partnered with Edith Cowan University (ECU) to offer students a university pathway through the UniPrep Schools Program.This Program complements other senior school studies by helping students to further develop their academic skills and integrates university experiences, including attending tailored open days at ECU South West.